Monday, June 30, 2008

If I were more ambitious and energetic...

I think it would be very interesting to open a booth or stall in one of two local places that offer them, to sell the kinds of things that I wish I could find here but generally cannot. Some things I would make - if I felt more confident about the bows that I make for Big Girl and could produce more of them, at a faster pace. Cute baby and children's clothing and items, like the pillowcase dresses that I love to get for Big Girl (I have a pattern but haven't made one yet on my own). Useful things that are made from natural materials or repurposed items, and things like reusable tote bags for grocery shopping. I can think of so many ideas, but the reality is, I know that it's something for me to dream about but probably not a good plan to act upon. I already have too many duties and not enough time, energy, and money to start anything new. But if I did it, I would get some of these cute holiday purses and bags that I've found online and sell them, too. Well, ideally, I would find someone who could guarantee that they aren't produced in sweatshops, and if I had that guarantee, I'd sell them. But I suspect that, given how cheaply they are sold by the wholesale distributor, they must be MIC and/or sweatshop-produced.

I need to get myself to the downtown market that's held here on alternating Saturdays. I think I would likely find some interesting things there, and who knows. If I got productive and got together enough things, I might try a spot in that at some point. Less commitment that way. I have dreams of making so many interesting things - artwork, clothes, accessories, even food. That's me, dreaming big, beyond my capacity to do all of it. I do have a couple of cute ideas for kid t-shirts that I might actually order through cafepress, however...

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