Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little overwhelming

Hubs is leaving for an extended trip on Thursday. He'll be in China for 10 days, touring around with a group from his grad school cohort. I'm so excited for him, and I really hope he'll make the most of this opportunity to learn and see and question. But I'm also a little overwhelmed with the prospect of being the solo parent for so long. Fortunately, I have family nearby, so in a pinch I have help available. But for all of my whining and complaining about how Hubs needs to help more around the house and with the kids, the truth is he already does a good bit. Sure, he's busy with classwork and work-work in the evenings and on the weekends, but he's here, to listen to me when I need a friendly ear. He has my back, even when he has a lot of other obligations (and thank goodness he's only a few months away from finishing that MBA). But I think that I'll be a little overwhelmed, as well as a little lonely, while he's away. I'll be praying for lots and lots of patience, because Big Girl and Two certainly know how to exhaust my pitifully short supply some days...


Avitable said...

Want me to come babysit? I'll bring the duct tape.

Nomers said...

What an amazing trip for hubby to take! I am always complaining about how little my hubby does, until he was laid up in a foot cast for 4 weeks. I was taught a very valuable lesson LOL!